
Best Foreign Currency Exchange Rates


Flag Currency We Buy We Sell
Iraqi Dinar 0.00088 CAD 0.00135 CAD
United Kingdom Pound 1.74740 CAD 1.78484 CAD
US Dollar - paying with Canadian Cash 1.33748 CAD 1.37143 CAD
US Dollars - paying with Canadian Debit Card or E-Transfer 1.34699 CAD 1.37143 CAD
US Dollar $1 Bills 1.33748 CAD 1.38501 CAD
Euro 1.47609 CAD 1.53633 CAD
EURO 500 & 200 Notes 1.46855 CAD 1.53633 CAD
Japanese Yen 0.00921 CAD 0.00987 CAD
Turkish Lira 0.03766 CAD 0.04326 CAD
Vietnamese Dong 0.00004 CAD 0.00009 CAD
Israeli New Shekel 0.00000 CAD 0.38617 CAD
Mexican Peso 0.06557 CAD 0.07135 CAD
Bitcoin BTC 70,018.95818 CAD 82,548.66649 CAD
Bahraini dinar 3.35331 CAD 3.85811 CAD
Bulgarian lev 0.69323 CAD 0.00000 CAD
Australian Dollar 0.87838 CAD 0.93724 CAD
UAE Dirham (AED) 0.35674 CAD 0.38816 CAD
Swiss Franc 1.57864 CAD 1.64308 CAD
New Zealand Dollar 0.81325 CAD 0.86355 CAD
Hong Kong Dollar 0.16548 CAD 0.18116 CAD
Swedish Krona 0.12915 CAD 0.13640 CAD
Korean Won 0.00096 CAD 0.00108 CAD
Danish Krone 0.18154 CAD 0.20877 CAD
Czech Koruna 0.05772 CAD 0.06313 CAD
Omani Rial 3.33594 CAD 3.70659 CAD
Peruvian Nuevo Sol 0.34327 CAD 0.38975 CAD
Philippine Peso 0.02265 CAD 0.02643 CAD
Malaysian Ringgit 0.29474 CAD 0.33628 CAD
Kuwaiti Dinar 4.20146 CAD 4.69052 CAD
Polish Zloty 0.33737 CAD 0.36549 CAD
Taiwan Dollar 0.03963 CAD 0.04619 CAD
East Carribean Dollar 0.47480 CAD 0.54262 CAD
CFP Franc 0.01187 CAD 0.01351 CAD
Romanian New Leu 0.24222 CAD 0.00000 CAD
Singapore Dollar 0.98945 CAD 1.08319 CAD
Thai Baht 0.03803 CAD 0.04225 CAD
South African Rand 0.07302 CAD 0.08024 CAD
Jamaican Dollar 0.00825 CAD 0.00927 CAD
Dominican Peso 0.02165 CAD 0.02460 CAD
Chilean Peso 0.00138 CAD 0.00157 CAD
COP - 3 week delay 0.00032 CAD 0.00036 CAD
Fiji Dollar 0.58137 CAD 0.66093 CAD
Jordanian Dinar 1.82016 CAD 2.03092 CAD
Iceland Krona 0.00938 CAD 0.01046 CAD
Chinese Yuan Renminbi 0.18389 CAD 0.20113 CAD
Hungarian Forint 0.00363 CAD 0.00401 CAD
Indonesian Rupiah 0.00008 CAD 0.00011 CAD
Pakistan Rupee 0.00433 CAD 0.00541 CAD


Table 2

At TCE, we have been always striving to provide our customers with the most competitive exchange rates in the Forex market. It is and always has been our aim to keep our profit mark up as low as possible and deliver the most economic deals to our clients. We cover our overheads and administrative costs by increasing the number of transactions rather than high percentage commissions charged to individual customers. We have observed the trends in the market and the customers’ needs from time to time and formulated an effective strategy for purchasing the currency at the right time and from the right Place.

We are in this business for more than 25 years now and such a vast experience has given us many competitive advantages to be able to bet the competition of local and national currency exchange dealers. We also benefit from the economies of scale as we deal in almost every currency of the world and due to large number of currency conversions every day in Toronto we purchase omg tor onion and resell currency in large volumes. Besides All these factors there is a very important factor which make us the market leader.

Apart from the experience and volume of transactions we also have some very robust resources and competencies which allow us to be able to give you the best possible rates. Our highly qualified and well experienced staff is capable of getting the best out the foreign exchange market. We always keep an eye on the current rates and indexes and we make sure that we get the most desired currency for our customers at the lowest rates so our customers also get the best. We also have experience in Forex trading and Corporate Forex services which we proudly offer to local  businesses.