Currency Converter

Exchange Rates

Flag Currency We Buy We Sell
United Kingdom Pound 1.74399 CAD 1.78136 CAD
US Dollar - paying with Canadian Cash 1.36221 CAD 1.39678 CAD
US Dollars - paying with Canadian Debit Card or E-Transfer 1.36221 CAD 1.39678 CAD
US Dollar $1 Bills 1.36221 CAD 1.41752 CAD
Euro 1.50361 CAD 1.53368 CAD
EURO 500 & 200 Notes 1.46602 CAD 1.53368 CAD
Japanese Yen 0.00869 CAD 0.00931 CAD
Turkish Lira 0.03946 CAD 0.04534 CAD
Vietnamese Dong 0.00003 CAD 0.00008 CAD
Israeli New Shekel 0.00000 CAD 0.40066 CAD
Mexican Peso 0.07230 CAD 0.07867 CAD
Bitcoin BTC 89,749.64573 CAD 105,810.10864 CAD
Bahraini dinar 3.41362 CAD 3.92750 CAD
Bulgarian lev 0.72146 CAD 0.80589 CAD
Australian Dollar 0.87826 CAD 0.93711 CAD
Swiss Franc 1.53372 CAD 1.59632 CAD
New Zealand Dollar 0.78985 CAD 0.83871 CAD
Hong Kong Dollar 0.16829 CAD 0.18424 CAD
Iraqi Dinar 0.00090 CAD 0.00138 CAD
Swedish Krona 0.12532 CAD 0.13236 CAD
UAE Dirham (AED) 0.36333 CAD 0.39534 CAD
Korean Won 0.00095 CAD 0.00107 CAD
Danish Krone 0.18106 CAD 0.20822 CAD
Czech Koruna 0.05688 CAD 0.06221 CAD
Omani Rial 3.39590 CAD 3.77322 CAD
Peruvian Nuevo Sol 0.35336 CAD 0.40121 CAD
Philippine Peso 0.02199 CAD 0.02565 CAD
Malaysian Ringgit 0.27911 CAD 0.31846 CAD
Kuwaiti Dinar 4.27296 CAD 4.77034 CAD
Polish Zloty 0.33725 CAD 0.36535 CAD
Taiwan Dollar 0.03941 CAD 0.04594 CAD
East Carribean Dollar 0.48358 CAD 0.55266 CAD
CFP Franc 0.01183 CAD 0.01347 CAD
Romanian New Leu 0.28842 CAD 0.31862 CAD
Singapore Dollar 0.97855 CAD 1.07125 CAD
Thai Baht 0.03640 CAD 0.04045 CAD
South African Rand 0.07265 CAD 0.07984 CAD
Jamaican Dollar 0.00845 CAD 0.00949 CAD
Dominican Peso 0.02232 CAD 0.02536 CAD
Chilean Peso 0.00140 CAD 0.00159 CAD
COP - 3 week delay 0.00033 CAD 0.00037 CAD
Fiji Dollar 0.58160 CAD 0.66119 CAD
Jordanian Dinar 1.85381 CAD 2.06846 CAD
Iceland Krona 0.00952 CAD 0.01062 CAD
Chinese Yuan Renminbi 0.18311 CAD 0.20028 CAD
Hungarian Forint 0.00365 CAD 0.00403 CAD
Indonesian Rupiah 0.00008 CAD 0.00010 CAD
Pakistan Rupee 0.00442 CAD 0.00552 CAD

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